Had Anyone Been Told That The Achilles Tendon Is Extremely Tight And That Is What Is Causing Their Foot Pain
The handheld home ultrasound device i posted about a few days ago is superb for the Achilles tendon. I'll see if i still have the pic for it and share again.... I use it twice a week for 15 minutes and it's very affective against this pain
Yes! I had mine repaired. It started bulging out the back of my ankle & it turns out there was a massive calcium build up on it. We thought it was torn, but it wasn't. The Doc cleaned it off and "released" the tendon by cutting it & making it longer. I know that sounds odd, but they did it & it's good now. A VERY long recovery period of about 6 months to a year. You will be not be able to put weight on it for 6-8 weeks, if I remember correctly. Good luck! I hope this helps.
Yes mine is tight as well. I do stretches ever day sometimes all day. I have the orthotics they are not comfortable and I have planter facities as well. Stretching does help. And using a towel or a stretch band helps to get more of a stretch. My feet hurt as well heel and part by the toes. I keep going stretching soak them in apsom salt and rest them. At times I'll stand up and feels like I can't walk. Baby steps till they work normal again. But yes you are not alone. That is the best thing about this group knowing that we are not alone.
So far my pediatrist has had me braced for two months (while I was 6-8 months pregnant so that was fun for my husband), custom orthotics, and I just finished pt. Still in quite a bit of pain and now it’s spread. Not sure what his next step is gonna be, but from what I figure we’ve only got the options of casting and surgery left.
Ditto to what @A MySpondylitisTeam Member does and says
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I Ruptured My Achilles Tendon & Had To Wear Boot For 12 Weeks. Now Getting A Lot Of Pain Down That Whole Leg - Could AS Be Making It Worse?