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Anyone Have Sudden Sharp Pain In The Back And Lower Abdomen That Stays For A Few Days Then Dissipates?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question ๐Ÿ’ญ

I have been having extreme pain recently, that is different from my usual SI joint and hip pain. This came on suddenly and strong, lasted a couple days, went away, then came back full force and suddenly again. The pain was in my lower rt quadrant in the back and abdomen, and equally felt internal. I couldn't find a way to get comfortable and was white knuckling my way through a doctor appointment where she sent me for emergency xrays and CT scan. The xrays only showed arthritis and the CT scanโ€ฆ read more

July 18, 2024
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

From my medical experience, I would not take this lightly. If you feel it is not SI or AS related, it could possibly be something as serious as an AA or an Aortic Aneurism, or it could possibly be a kidney stone. Don't quit until you can get a definitive diagnosis and answer. Good luck and I hope you find out what is going on.

July 18, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Be sure it's not a kidney stone.Ultrasound of the kidneys. Hope you feel better ! Rick S. BSN, RN ( Ret. )..ERs X years.

August 3, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Omg I hate you're on vacay still! When I get them I get them when I'm not on my regular diet routine and missing my normal water sipping behavior. Especially if I've been hot and active...paddling, in a car and holding in the bladder activity...ugh. I pick up a UTI test kit even though it doesn't have the same extremely insane needle like need to pee we can experience with UTIs. Pressure, definite pinch occasionally when I do pee. Mine tend to come along with crystallization of my urine. Sometimes it even looks cloudy. I do the AZO UTI test kit from pharmacy store. The nitrites on me are always negative and the leukocytes always some level of positive, even if only trace. That is always an indicator of stones in me.

On me, I can have several good days, just feeling fatigued, a little achy in the area like a standard back pain from sitting in a kayak all day. Yeah, easy to think it's something else. But then WHAM!! I am on the floor clenched in sharp seering pain from pelvic area to lumbar/SIs and shooting all directions out. And it can go on for days. When its like that I'm nauseous bad, vomiting occasionally, no good position, don't want to breathe, don't touch me, I can't move, no walking, get a stretcher. 20 out of 10. This is the pain I judge all my PsAS etc against, which doesn't come close, 9 but never 10. The only thing in this category is what it is and that aforementioned kid.๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–the vomiting is because your body cannot cleanse itself through that side if the stone lodges in the ureter from kidney to bladder. Its a cork of everything your body needs to get rid of.๐Ÿคข

The only thing you can do is pass it. To do that you need to acidify your kidneys to bladder with lemon in your water and a ton more water than you're used to drinking. The increased acidity helps break them down. Add an ounce of coconut water too to hydrate, balance electrolytes, and up your potassium intake to counter the calcium/oxalate crystals that comprise 95% of kidney stones. Potassium helps break up calcium i seemnto recall reading.. Theres also a supplement called "stone buster" OTC drug stores. I've tried it, but the 3 24oz H20 has been working for me.

Oh yeah, you want to cut oxalates out until your kidneys recover. Here comes more dietary restrictions. I'm sorry my friend. Look up foods high in oxalates and alternatives. I found i was eating them regularly...spinach, nuts...I know I know, what CAN we eat.๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ

Lastly, the only thing drs will do is give you pain meds, oxycodone, morphine...and tell you to try to flush it out while you wait for a possible lithotripsy treatment or OR.

They will see them on CT if they know to look for them. They could be thrown off by your AS and not even look.๐Ÿ™„

Hang in there Mimi! UTI test and loads of water with lemon๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™

July 19, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I get this with kidney stones until they pass. Kidney stones are worthy of an ambulance ride when they are on the move from kidney to toilet bowl. Indeed, I once saw a strong grown man in his 30s screaming, writhing, and coming off the guerney from the pain of it. Granted, he was a man, women dont carry on like that๐Ÿ˜ฒ๐Ÿ˜ just kidding guts, sort of.

In all seriousness, I'm prone to those and they can be as mild as mild period pain and as agonizing as hard labor with a 23 inch circumference headed kid (yes, had that too, no wonder my lumber is angled off๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿ™„). It depends on the shape and size how bad they hurt. Sacroiliitis is walkable for the toughest of us, not kidney stones when placed and shaped most heinous. Have them on top of the sacroiliitis and it is blinding pain, at least I sure couldn't see when it happened to me a few months ago. Not even morphine brought relief. I think the dr may have given me propofol to help take the edge off enough to unclench my body enough to help it pass. Now I drink lemon in at least one of my 3 24oz bottles of water a day.

Now that I think about it, it typically occurs when I'm too busy doing other things to remember to make a point of getting a full 72oz water a day, as often happens on vacations.๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ™

When mine are in the right side, they always check for appendicitis too. It behaves like that as well, comes and goes til it bursts.

When kidney stones quit moving, the pain subsides, but there's still an ache, similar feeling to severe muscle strain. When they move, they are scraping along the inside of your kidney all the way down the urethra, bladder, and out. Urinating is similar to UTI pain, may or may not have blood visible (mine never do), and is relieved when the stone(s) pass, unlike UTI pain which continues after voiding. This process can take hours to weeks off and on until the kidney and bladder are clear. Sometimes, if you can't flush them out, lithotripsy or surgical scopes are necessary to get them out. I've always been able to get tired of them by flushing with lemon water, at least 80oz in 24 hours. Make sure you add a bit of coconut water to that for the electrolytes to balance all that water.

Keep us posted. Thinking of you.

July 19, 2024 (edited)
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

The gallstones don't help whenever I get sharp pains then my body is fusing itself again the arthritis is the extra pain.yes it's part of as but not uncommon as flair sorry but remember u control the disease the disease doesn't control u feel better.

July 18, 2024

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