Just Wondering If Others With AS Suffer Moderate/severe Hand Pain And If So What Do You Do For Relief?
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member.Yes, everyone has different starting conditions. I admit I don't know how my treatment would work for advanced AS and other diseases. That's why I always recommend starting with a good psychotherapist! At the same time, you can start a diet to heal the intestines. It is a guide to treatment when doctors do not yet know the exact diagnosis. Autoimmune diseases are treated similarly. Pitac, I too got into an argument with a sufferer. I like constructive disputes. When the discussants are not offended, and a consensus will emerge from it! I have few debaters who are good opponents!------------------------------------------------------------- Ano každý má jiné startovací podmínky. Přiznávám, že nevím, jak moje léčba by fungovala při pokročilé AS a jiných nemocech. Proto vždy doporučuji začít dobrým psychoterapeutem! Současně lze začít s dietou na uzdravení střev. Je to návod na léčbu, kdy ještě lékaři neznají přesnou diagnózu. Autoimunitní nemoci se léčí podobně. Pitac, i já jsem se dostal do sporu s trpícím. Mám rád spory konstruktivní. Kdy se diskutující neuráží, a vznikne z toho koncenzus! Mám málo diskutujících, kteří jsou dobrými oponenty!
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. They are all different. Many of them have health issues not related to Spondylitis. Many of them, like me, don't even have the same type of Spondylitis as you. Many of them, like me, have severe arthritis and damage as a result of accidents.
I agree with you that autoimmune conditions can be brought into full remission - which is not true healing - through mindful connectivity in one form or another, restructuring of molecular activity and signaling whether by vibration, energy harnessing from various methods, and/or nutrition.
However, extreme damage due to accidents or excessive overuse cannot be healed in these ways unfortunately.
Be mindful of your assumptions about people. It has gotten me into discord with a few. 😌🙏
Thank you! I also have osteoarthritis in both hands. Had an mcp joint fused 9 years ago and now the other side is acting up too. I have compression gloves that I occasionally wear, but I generally don’t like anything on my hands. I was thinking of getting a brace to wear at night. Thank you for all your comments.
Yes! I have diclofinac cream, heat..no hands being used 😋
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member.Sometimes specific advice doesn't help. I try to make the sufferers think. When I give them my experience, they don't believe it! All too often I expose lies in the field of healthcare. I have been giving advice for three years now, all over the world. An AS sufferer should think about how to heal! You are the exception and for that I thank you!------------------------------------------------------------Někdy konkrétní rady nepomohou. Snažím se aby trpící začali přemýšlet. Když jim dám moji zkušenost, tak ji nevěří! Až moc často odhaluji lži v oblasti zdravotnictví. Rady již poskytuji již tři roky, po celém světě. Trpící AS by měl myslet jak se uzdravit! Ty jsi výjimka a za to ti děkuji!
Anyone Else Suffer From IBS, Irritable Syndrome And If So Do You Take Any Medication For It That Works ?
Does Anyone Have Big Issues With Cramping And Spasms
Numbness Of Arm/leg/foot/hand