Does Anyone Else Have Symptom Flares When We Have The Spring And Autumn Equinox? Fall Is The Hardest For Me.
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I find the transition in weather is hardest on me... we have had a lot of "swings" in temps here from needing the heater blasting in the am to needing the ac blasting by mid-day those back-and-forth weather conditions cause way more pain/flares in my experience than if we just transitioned into super cold and stayed there. It's been a rough winter for me due to the constant fluctuations.
Many people with spondylitis report that weather changes can trigger symptom flares. Abrupt changes in temperature, such as those that occur during the spring and autumn equinoxes, can worsen symptoms. Some members have noted that cold weather, rain, and humidity can make their symptoms more severe, requiring increased Show Full Answer
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