Does Anyone Get Flare Up Where Rib Cage Is.
I’ve been under a lot of stress lately - 2 floods in our new home within 4 days of each other 🤨. I feel the inflammation between my rib cage. Today I felt an anxiety attack coming because of the the tightness and not being able to take in a deep breath. I’m trying to breath through my tummy and not my chest which helps. I just don’t know how to remember to do this breathing exercise throughout the day. It’s much easier when I’m laying down and focused on my breathing. Sound familiar to anyone?
Yes. Mostly left side….. just to add a note my physical therapist showed me some stretches to do for this, and it really really helps. You can go on YouTube and inquire about stretches for this.
Hi thank you for your advice. It is nice just knowing other people understand you: people around just dont get it and make me feel really bad. Sending you a hug and hope your day is a good one.
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