Does Anyone Have Cervical Spine Pain?
Recently I've started having cervical pain which makes it difficult for me to move my head. Earlier I thought that it must be just some stiffness but now I've observed that even when the morning stiffness goes away after an hour, this pain still remains for the whole day and it is quite random, keeps on varying with days, and doesn't seem related to my physical activities. I was wondering if it was because of my already-diagnosed AS or if it is some new issue that needs to be diagnosed. Any… read more
I have this & it was mainly on my right side of my cervical neck. My pain doctor did a cervical ablation about 6 months ago & it worked and I haven’t had any pain since. In case you aren’t familiar with what an ablation is, it is where they go in & burn the nerves that send pain signals to the brain. Yes, the nerves can regenerate eventually, but it can give you pain relief for up to a year or more. Everyone is different.
Cervical spine arthritis related pain and degeneration/malformation is a hallmark of spondylitis. As a matter of fact, if you dont have cervical spine pain, stenosis, bulging/herniated discs, malshaped curvature, facet arthropathy, osteophytes, degenerative disc disease there i would question if spondylitis is an accurate diagnosis. I'm no doctor by any stretch, but from pretty much everyone that I've come across on this forum it seems to be standard. What we all do or not about it is subject for debate.
I just had stem cell transplant into my severely damaged cervical spine in lieu of a 6 level fusion recommendation. That was 2 months ago and I'm beginning to think that it is an affective treatment worth considering for the rest of my body's issues. I now have return of full range of motion , strength, and significantly less pain there.
Sorry your neck is giving you grief. Physical therapy is enormously beneficial if you do it and continue to do everything you learn there at least 4 days a week for the rest of your life. Thats something you'll need to do whether or not you ever opt for surgery if you want to minimize pain and maintain any degree of mobility. The absolute worst thing you can do is not move it, unless it's broken or just had surgery recently. Best of luck to you .😌🙏
I have had lower cervical pain all the time but it is worse sometimes. It is on my right side in my hip , down my right leg, and foot with my last 3 toes numb all the time. I have to just take it day by day.
Ah, thank you everyone for your responses. I thought if it is something unrelated to my condition, then I should wait and maybe it'll pass but now after reading your comments, I'll consult my doctor immediately. Thank you all 😄
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