The World's First Cure For AS Is Out There!
Moscow, Apr 25 (Prensa Latina) The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation informed today that it has approved the first drug in the world against Ankylosing Spondylitis, also known as Bechterew-Strümpell syndrome.
What classification is this drug? Another biologic, a DMARD, does it just treat symptoms or does it treat the disease? How can it cure if the cause isn't known? Doesn't AS have multiple trigger sources? It's not all genetic and tied to HLA B27, and it's not a virus or bacteria. There are over a hundred cytokines and also chemokines in the body responsible for inflammation. Sounds like another Russian pipe dream race to be the first propaganda to me. No big surprise there.🙄
I agree Pitac.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member . I cannot try the Seniprutug medicine because I have been cured for 5 years. I don't take any medication! I have no symptoms. Otherwise I agree with what you write. Disease is caused by the environment! The psyche is very important. The drug under development may convince patients that AS is curable. Every disease is curable, but for some we don't yet know how.--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lék Seniprutug nemohu vyzkoušet, protože jsem 5 roků uzdraven. Neužívám žádné léky! Nemám žádné symptomy. Jinak souhlasím s tím, co píšete. Nemoc je způsobena prostředím! Velice důležitá je psychika. Vyvíjený lék může přesvědčit nemocné, že je AS vyléčitelná. Každá nemoc je vyléčitelná, jenom u některých zatím nevíme jak.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Maybe you can try the drug on yourself and let us all know about any side affects or progress it has for you. Your turn to be the patient guinea pig. Personally, I believe it all begins and ends in our diet, not just what we eat, but what we breathe, see, smell, experience. The overall diet of lifestyle and environment we live in. Everything we interact with affects our DNA. Address the source with personal modification instead of cover it with manufactured medicines loaded with side affects.
IanMellor The drug has not received protection. All companies will be able to produce it. Question is? Will they want to produce it?------------------------------------------------------------------------IanMellor Lék nedostal ochranu. Budou ho moci vyrábět všechny firmy. Otázka je? Budou ho chtít vyrábět?
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