Has Anyone Become Anemic In Blood Due To Injecting Humira? Doctors Think I Might Have Colin Cancer?
Thanks, I have a colonoscopy scheduled 5-1-23, we're praying as well!
I mean 5-15-23.
I'm pretty sure humira doesn't cause colon cancer. I do know it increases your chances of developing lymphoma.
But that's a rarity the only reason those chances increase is because it's a tnf (tumor nucrosing factor)blocker which they have found causes inflammation which is a double edged sword cause something that's helps your body can cause so much hovic. So by taking humira to knock down tnf can increase chances of lymphoma..possibly others cancers if prominent in your family. All things to talk to your Dr about.
I'm pretty sure my mother got Colen cancer from humira. I'm so scared I may need one if those types of meds for myself at some point and it scares the crap out of me. I pray for good results for you.
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