This Question Is Just To Cheer Us While We Struggle. Maybe We Get Inspiration For Others. What Are Some Of Your Most Wonderful Memories?
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Oh that’s good! Looks like Fred Flintstone had a sex change. Just sayin’. Forgive me. Rothflmao! And he is more fat. That’s what happens with hormones! Oh, my husband tells me this is Fred’s mother who gripped Fred out always took Wilma’s side and was in one episode! I never saw Fred’s mother. Now I have to go find this and it’s all your fault! Lol! Correction. It’s Wilma’s mother. I forgot she had red hair because we only had black and white Tv.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member
You go girl! Dancing was my passion for 20 years. A large group of us danced 5 or 6 times a week. We took lessons and then practiced at whatever club had a dance floor. Talk about fun!!! I gave it up when I my back began to hurt so bad I left early in tears several times. I'm glad you were able to enjoy your night on the dance floor Lux. Goodnight and keep on dancing!!!!
Awesome topic!!! I feel better already just reading all of these! My happy times are also beach related; From floating in salt water as a child in Laguna Beach Fl to seeing my daughter get married on the same beach many years later Now living close to the area I love♥️
1. Motherly afterglow of seeing my newborn babies. 2. Being with family at the beach and body surfing as a child, finding shells. 3. My Mom sewing matching dresses for me and my dolls and many other special things she did for me. Birthday parties. 4. Playing with cousins at Grandmas. 5. Finding out I could learn things I didn’t know was capable of learning. 5. Going to a foreign country and backpacking alone. 6. Falling in love and going to wonderful places. 7. Being young, beauty of youth, being physically strong. 6. Owning and riding a Harley and being part of a group 7. Belonging to an underground big city spiritual movement with friends like family and going all over town with them being together, doing good things. 8. Feeling independent and financially secure in a corporate job and being proud of advancements and talents. 9. My best memories were with people I loved more than anything I ever did or owned.
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