Finding a good doctor is a critical part of spondylitis management. Some doctors are unfamiliar with spondylitis, while others come off as unsympathetic or unhelpful. Appointments with a doctor you trust can make it easier to find the right treatment, and track your symptoms and side effects.
On MySpondylitisTeam, the social network and online support group for those living with axSpA and other types of spondylitis, members talk about a range of personal experiences and struggles. Finding a doctor to treat spondylitis is one of the top topics most discussed.
Here are some question-and-answer threads about finding a doctor:
• What is the most important thing you look for in your doctor?
• I'm newly diagnosed. What kind of doctor should I see?
• The first doctor said I have it, new one says I don't. How do I convince the new doctor?
Here are some conversations about finding a doctor:
• I'm so grateful to have a wonderful rheumatologist who has empathy...
• Getting the runaround from one doctor to a next...
• I had a doctor I really liked, and bam! he is gone. Now I have to get used to a new doctor...
Can you relate?
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A MySpondylitisTeam Subscriber
My primary care doctor do not have any idea of this, and 3 reunatoligtsts do not know either. 5 years and I m getting very frustrated.
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