My Neck Hurts Me The Most.
Anyone with neck problems? Do you get burning in your arms and back? I get burning every now and then and want to know what you use or do to get it to calm down.
Un fortunately all of us will we can only slow it down my neck was fused 12 screws & 4rods later my neck when it bothers me and shoulders are tight I take bacclofin good muscle relaxer and I have portable hand messager I use 3 to 5x a day to keep loose hope that helps
I hope you get a diagnosis soon. I have not had any fusions etc. I have ear pain on one side when I wake up. My mid back is causing me problems today!! It’s never ending…. Isn’t it!!!!
Looking forward to going on a trip outside of Florida. I definitely will continue with therapy to get my core stronger. Be safe and take care
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Thats where my own odyssey began. That was about 5/6 years ago. I haven't done anything other than physical therapy for it so far. It doesn't hurt nearly as much now, more of a tight ache if I turn too far to right or bend too far left. Piercing ear and shooting jaw pain no more.😌🙏
I have it in my neck so mine effects side of head and ear ..and that's a burning pain
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