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Does Anyone Suffer From Cervigogenic Headaches Stemming From The Cervical Spine. If So How Do You Get Relief From It.

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Concord, NC
May 20, 2023
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I had a massage therapist tell me to put 2 tennis balls in a sock and lay down on them at the base of my skull and gently girate motion and it seems to help. Do it once a day after you get out of shower. Hope this helps. It has taken my headaches down to a manageable level.

May 26, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I went to a therapist and they had this small little thing that had two balls on it and they put it behind my neck it felt great, I’m looking to buy one from Amazon!

November 14, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

To the pillow issue I had to try using a cervical pillow I bought from Amazon and unfortunately it does not work. So I will try sleeping without one and see how that helps. Thanks again for your advice. I hope you continue to getting some relief. ❤️

May 22, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Hi @A MySpondylitisTeam Member! These headaches are debilitated! I can definitely relate to your pain. They can also trigger my vertigo.🤯 I try to stay ahead of it before it gets that bad. I know I have bones spurs narrowing discs, curvature etc around C5-C7. My husband will take our massager and focus on the area around my “wing”. There’s knots in that area and the massager seems to relieve that area.It helps to ease the pain.
Also I stopped sleeping on a pillow years ago. I tried every pillow imaginable and had the most relief without a pillow. I still have one against my back and between my knees.

I hope you find some relief! Don’t stop trying. There’s something/someone that will help. Don’t give up 🙏🏾

May 22, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have the same issues in my neck, and I have a chronic headache on the right side of my head right behind my right ear and down into my neck and then it goes into my shoulder. I went to a pain management clinic when it became unbearable and received a shot, which calm things down. I’m not sure if it was Corazon or may be. Prednisone it worked for a few weeks by helping to minimize the pain which was keeping me up, and I was only able to sleep in little bursts. I have found for me that heating up a bag of rice that you can buy instead of a heating pad works well it’s more bendable and can wrap around your neck and kind of go over by your jaw, I don’t know if this will help you but it does help me. Also, I use a bite guard at night prescribed by my dentist and designed by him to keep me from grinding my teeth. I was having excruciating jaw pain and one of my jaw teeth was throbbing like an abscess. There was nothing wrong with my tooth at all. I went to a specialist and it cost me hundreds of dollars to find out that my tooth was very healthy , and that the grinding was causing the agony

November 19, 2023

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