Does Anyone Take Steroid Shots Or Pills For Spondylitis Or Degenerative Disc Disease?
Right, I had surgery they left my abdomen open to close it's called, it causes mare neurological damage, nerve endings are nearly impossible to burn but also that's a tough decision in its possible end results, hope everyone has a fair day
I have had multiple treatments from steroid shots to epidural and nerve blocks and radio-frequency (nerve burning). The nerve burning helped the most, but it's something you may have to repeat as it's also temporary for some. There's no way to know how much anything will help, or how long it will help, as every individual is different.
I take Prednisone my daily in a small mg it helps somewhat, with inflammation I also take an OTC med to help me pee and it helps ease inflammation, just tiresome back and forth
Yes have been on oral steroids for short bursts to help with bioletic and inflammation, they seem to give me abit more flexibility and movement ( steriods ) but notice huge drop when tapering off them though in both flexibility and movement
Hi Sandra, I was on short course of steroids after recently coming off methotrexate and I can honestly say I felt so much better for that but my rheumatologist stated I could only be on them for a short time as I’m also on Bioletic “Simponi” as a monthly injection, but the relief steroid tablets gave was bliss and almost immediate
Hope this helps
Take care - Cheers - Tim
I Have Spondylosis Not Spondylitis Any One Else Have This As They Are Different
Is Spondylitis An Autoimmune Disease Too ?
Has Anyone Been Diagnosed With AS Then Changed Dr. And Told You Don’t Have AS But You Have Degerative Disc Disease. Who Do You Believe?