Bent Over For 3 Weeks
Hello everyone
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. I have Spondylolisthesis as well as spinal stenosis and some facet problems
For the last 3 weeks I have been bent over..90°..the only way I can walk without pain...and then I still have pain, as I can't walk long in that position
I've had pain in my back...but never his excruciating. And I have never had to walk bent over to alleviate pain.
I've been to the Chiropractor, PT, did dry needling.. in the… read more
Thanks Joseph...I too have multiple back problems!
Dr said looking at mri I have " multiple back problems " and will forever be in pain. Lamindectomy of L4/L5 is helping leg pain and helps walking ability.
Yes, it sounds like herniated disc’s, pinching on nerves. I had this L-4 L-5, laminectomy and discectomy (without fusion) it worked wonderfully- my lumbar spine has little issues now comparatively to the rest of my spine. Best of luck to you with treatment wisdom and care.
It had me like that, doctored with all procedures but everyone has to work their way up to surgury. Just had a laminectomy . I feel better and believe its working but time will tell. The narrowing is probably touching the nerves in spinal column.
And how long did yours last before you got relief and who did what for you?
I am able to clean the bathroom in this position...and hop into bed..but that's about it. I look like some cartoon character!
My Back And Neck Have Been In Pain For Over A Week Now. Any Recommendations On The Best Way To Lie Down For These Symptoms?
I Take Remicade 8 Week Infusion. Need 6 Week Infusion, Insurance Will Not Cover.
Someone Please Tell Me About "shots."