Does Anyone Else Experience Frequent "ups And Downs" With Their Symptoms?
I know there are a variety of reasons for a variety of symptoms, but I have been noticing the last few weeks that I have a good day and then a not so good day. Or a day or two that is nearly pain free, where I have energy and I am motivated to do things and accomplish quite a bit. Then the next day I am the exact opposite, where all I can do is the bare minimum to care for myself. Does anyone else experience this?
Yes, this is me often. I then feel like my dr and family think I’m not really having a problem. There is no rhyme or reason to this day to day pain.
I think it's the nature of the AS beast.
Yes! The unpredictability is so frustrating. What I’m trying to do now is find a rhythm that works well on both good and bad days so that I don’t overdo it on good days (which makes the bad days worse) or underdo it on bad days (which also makes them worse!). It’s really hard to manage though bc you can’t really plan for either one. It also makes me feel a little silly when I tell ppl how badly I’m doing and then they see me the next day on a good day and I feel totally fine. For example when I’m feeling and looking good I feel really weird asking someone to help me with something I know I can’t do without brining on a bad day, like bending to get something from the ground or asking for help brining groceries to the car.
Unfortunately that is the story of my life the past 1.5 years
Memory Loss
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