Pain Meds
DR's not wanting to prescribe opioid for chronic pain
Yeah, unfortunately the war on opioids really hurts those with chronic pain. The only option I know of is to look for another doctor. There are still some around that treat patients based upon their assessment of symptoms rather than on CDC recommendations that were never meant to be enforceable public policy.
No they dont,they are scared to death on being red flagged and law suits.So we suffer and doctors stop giving proper care
They have cut back on opioid prescriptions for everyone because of CDC guidelines. Hope you can find other ways to reduce your pain. Accupúncture works well for me.....
I was given a application for medical marijuana for the pain. It works, but am high and can't drive! I think they do this because your insurance company will not pay for your meds! Marijuana is now legal in Michigan, but if you don't have a medical marijuana card you can not purchase from a dispensary. Price is very high!
I am having the same trouble. I am not getting pain meds because doctors don't prescribe more than 2 weeks after surgery, so then I suffer!
Enbrel And Medicare
Does Anyone Get Flare Up Where Rib Cage Is.
Ho Ho Ho! Fellow Patients! My Questions: Anyone Taking Humira To Treat Spondylitis Chronic Pain? Any Other Non-opioid Meds Successful?