Thousands of members of MySpondylitisTeam connect with one another and read each other's stories to gain perspective and validation about living with spondylitis (axSpA). Another way to discover how to live better with axSpA is through books written by people who have this condition. We combed through member book recommendations and collected a list of the most popular.
1. Leonard Trask, the Wonderful Invalid: The First-Hand Account of America's First Confirmed Ankylosing Spondylitis Patient by Leonard Trask
Imagine living with a condition that does not yet have a name. This memoir by Leonard Trask spreads awareness of the pain he silently suffered with for years.
2. Ankylosing Spondylitis: The Facts by Muhammad Asim Khan
The first mass-market book to be published on this chronic condition, Khan's encyclopedic guide is a must-read for those living with spondylitis who want to learn about treatments, genetic counseling, and daily tips.
3. Crooked: Outwitting the Back Pain Industry and Getting on the Road to Recovery by Cathryn Jakobson Ramin
Veteran investigative journalist who has suffered from chronic back pain for decades, Ramin shares with us what works and what hurts in the medical field of back pain. This book is essential for all types of back pain sufferers as well as healthcare workers, caregivers, and loved ones.
4. The End of Back Pain: Access Your Hidden Core to Heal Your Body by Patrick Roth
Dr. Roth recognizes that back pain has the ability to wreak havoc on sufferers physical and emotional health. However, we have the power to control our minds and muscles to alleviate some of this pain without relying only on the chronic pain industry.
Check out some book recommendations and favorites from members of MySpondylitisTeam:
"I am reading this book called "How to be Sick - A Buddhist Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers" by Toni Bernhard. Read this line tonight and it really resonates with me, "Work on giving in to what's happening instead of giving up."
"Another Saturday reading a book in the garden. Life can be good and we should enjoy them as much as possible."
"Can anyone recommend a book series? One that will distract me from my pain a bit?"
What book about spondylitis do wish you knew about when you were first diagnosed? Share in the comments below!
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