What Other Medications Other Than Humira And Rinvoq Are Used To Treat Ankylosing Spondylitis?
Affording Medication
So I'm struggling at the moment with being able to afford medication. I'm unable to work full time because of my AS, so I don't qualify for insurance. I know Humira and others like that can cost over $5,000 a month without insurance, and that's over double my monthly income. Has anyone found a solution for more affordable medication? My health is definitely getting worse, and I would love to be able to slow the progression with meds but have no idea how I would ever be able to afford it
Thank you so much! I have an appointment with my doctor to talk about that!
Tips Or Tricks That Help With Morning Routines/tardiness?
I've recently been diagnosed but have unknowingly dealt with this for YEARS! One thing I struggle with immensely is being constantly late 98% of the time.... where work is concerned this has been a problem that I have been reprimanded for continuously unfortunately. Just before my recent diagnosis my Boss and I came to an agreement that moving forward I will not be allowed to make up the time missed for being tardy but in exchange I will no longer continue to be reprimanded for it either. Now… read more
Raise what what was working for u find out what's causing ur flaireups its partly weather related too.btw I was a union steward in a hospital ur boss cannot reprimand u for being sick he can change ur… read more