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Top 10 search results for "Nerve block injections" in Q&A. To see all results and access other features, sign up for free.

Have Anyone Had Neck Surgery Do To Pinched Spinal Cord? What's Your Experience?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

GenieHendrickson no more surgery to big of a chance to paralyze me .

Someone Please Tell Me About "shots."

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭

I've gotten steroid injections at specific target.
I've gotten nonsteroid injections for general area.
Not supposed to come back for 3 months. I've always been ready to return at 2 months.
NOW I've been sent on supposedly for epidural (numbing the whole spine?) It supposed to be good for a year?

I read people's posts here... seems there are lots of kinds of shots. Anyone want to straighten me out please???

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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I’m so sorry they don’t work for you, can you use magnets? I’ve heard that magnetic therapy helps some.

Does Anyone Take Steroid Shots Or Pills For Spondylitis Or Degenerative Disc Disease?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Steroids are only for short term relief and are damaging in the long term. You can get huge relief from a biologic injection.

Has Anyone Had Lower Back Sugery And Have Big Knots In Back And Nerve Damage And Then When They Walk Their Hips Hurt Very Very Bad?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭

has anyone had lower back sugery recently and have nerve damage and have big knots come up in lower back?

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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Lower back surgery, such as spinal surgery for spondylitis, can sometimes lead to complications including nerve damage and pain in other areas like the hips. Here are some key points from the… read more

Had Anyone Had The Nerve Block For The Back ?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Yes, according to the knowledge base, 1348 people have had nerve block injections to treat their spondylitis.

Has Anyone W/AS Had Nerve Blocks OR Epidural Injections?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭

I’ve had numerous injections in my neck & spine but my question is:
Has anyone felt so fatigued that they were down for almost a week afterwards?
Every time I’m so exhausted I’m in bed for 5 days. The 1st 3 so tired I barely Get out of bed.
The 3rd day I always feel like I’m coming down with something & by the 5th day I’m better.

Anyone else with AS that this happens?

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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Only worked for 7 months for me then stopped so it is a hit or miss with some so it depends on you and how your body takes to it 😊

Nerve Block Injections

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭

Hi I have severe nerve pain from the top of my spine and neck which causes extreme pain in my neck shoulder and right arm. I also have a painful pulling sensation in my neck. Can anyone advise if this injection will help with the pain as my mst, gabapentin and oramorph are not working?

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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I take 1500mg Gabapentin for my neuropathy. Doesn't help my neuropathy or my AS.

What Is The Best To Determine Ankolysis Spondylitis CT/MRI?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭

I also have facet arthritis/bone spurs/nerve pain/cervical and lumber spondylosis/ sacroiliac pain all for which I am having nerve blocks or steroid injections. Diagnosed last year with Psoriatic arthritis and lupus. At this time I have been in pain over 30 years. Started in my 30’s now 60 and getting worse.

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Managing Ankylosing Spondylitis and Neck Pain Read Article...
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

MRI is generally considered the best imaging method for diagnosing ankylosing spondylitis, especially in its early stages. MRI can detect active inflammation and structural changes even when joints… read more

My Doctor Wants To Put Me On Humira And Plaquenil, But I Have Concerns About Side Effects. I Would Like Opinions About Experiences Of These

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Humira (Adalimumab) for Spondylitis

- Initial Dose: Loading dose followed by maintenance.
- Frequency: Every other week.
- Method: Subcutaneous injection (pen or prefilled syringe).

… read more

I Have Spondylitis Along With Spinal Stenosis, Osteoarthritis, Degenerative Disk Disease. I've Had 2 Failed Back Surgeries On Lower Disks.

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭

I met w/pain management. They are doing a back injection. I've had many with no pain relief at all. My question: Has anyone had a back injection that worked after having many that didn't?

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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have ablasions now.
But injection must work for 3 or 4 weeks 50% epidural is better
Once dr finds right spot