I Am So Itchy Lately, I Don’t Have A Rash Anywhere But I Feel Itchy Everywhere. & When I Itch It Won’t Even Be 5 Minutes Later I Get Bruises
I have axial spondylitis with sacroiliitis
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. If your liver or anything else comes up outside the green zone check how that parameter has moved over time if you have a historical record of it. Some people on some issues are perfectly normal a bit above and/or a bit below. No need to panic. I got my liver and kidney issues resolved and back to normal with the help of a few supplements listed under treatments on my page. Most notable is fucoxanthin, derived from the brown/red pigments in seaweeds and algae. Ask for more info if that's something you're ever interested in. The COMBINATION of nutrition sources is key when going that route. You may be interested in info on this free site... http://www.doctoryourself.com/index.html
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Rashes and bruising can be from liver problems too, fatty liver disease, cirrhosis or even liver issues from your spondylitis meds. If on immune suppression keep watch on liver enzymes often and do a liver scan at least every 6 months and sooner if have known liver issues.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Kids will do that to us moms. Make us downright bats#!t crazy indeed 🤪Dont try to hide your pain from your family. It just confuses them because they can sense something is wrong. Tell them what you feel and then tell them you're doing the best you can, even what you're doing about the pain and fatigue. Better yet, empower your kids. Ask them what they think you should do to feel better. This is a fantastic opportunity to teach your children that food choices matter. An example might be something like, "I eat my spinach so im strong enough to pitch a tent when we go camping." That lesson will stick with them even if you dont see it right away. Dont let them think you're invincible or they wont understand when you have to cancel camping. Keeping things from the family also causes more physical stress on you which leads to more pain. When people tell you that you dont look sick, look too good, too young, etc tell them Thank you and tell them you work real hard at it. This is your body. It might not be nice to you sometimes, but theres no reason you cant be proud of it. I think it puts people more at ease around me when they understand that im not perfect either and have my own demons snapping at my heels. You'll be alright Mary. 🙏😌
Thank you! I’m going tomorrow to get bloodwork
You are so right, they are watching everything. I won’t allow myself to lay down and rest tbh and I don’t think my husband has the slightest idea how much pain I’m in most days. I mask it all so well, until I can’t walk and then I am forced to lay down. Thank you for all of your wisdom, and for sharing your experiences, it makes me feel less crazy
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