Do Folks Have Tips On Managing Dactylitis? Any Notable Things That Seem To Worsen Yours? Mine Seems To Not Like Heat/ Wetness.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Ouch! I had my first round of that this past summer for about 3-4 weeks. High stress over a family event caused it. What i found that cured it, complete remission, whatever, it worked, was to drench the affected digit (my primary thumb) in Voltaren gel, then wear Copper Fit light compression glove 24/7. Not when showering or washing, but all the time otherwise. I tried splints, braces, too painful and heavy. I wear these gloves whenever i think palmar psoriasis is trying to set in too. Cover hand, cuticles, in heavy natural cream, i like Burts Bees, then glove up. 3 days later, tops, all clear. This glove is lightweight, fits like second skin, underside with gripping material for grasping help while hand feels painful. Find at drug stores in as seen on tv section if youre in the US, $20. Hope this works for you as good as it did for me. Ditch the source of stress, if possible, or get help dealing with it. Sorry you're going through it. Yours in better health, P
Managing dactylitis, a symptom often associated with spondylitis, can be challenging. Here are some tips and observations from others:
Tips for Managing Dactylitis
- Use Heating Pads and Hot Baths: Some find relief with heat, though it may not work for everyone.
- Lidocaine and Biofreeze: These topical treatments can Show Full Answer
Dactylitis, Anyone With This Condition, Does It Ever Resolve On Its Own?
Humidity Vs. Heat
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