Does Anyone Else Experience Indigestion, Heart Burn With Their AS?
Been on omeprazol for awhile. Haven't thought about the cause but this makes sense. Thanks for sharing
Many people with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) experience gastrointestinal symptoms, including abdominal pain and bloating. Over 960 MySpondylitisTeam members have reported such issues affecting their digestion, stomach, or intestines. If you are experiencing these symptoms, it might be related to your AS. Always consult with Show Full Answer
I don't believe in long-term diets. Instead of the FODMAP diet, I use fermented vegetables, milk... By eliminating some foods, the digestibility of other foods worsens. I recommend treating immunity, allergies and intolerances.-----------Neuznávám dlouhodobé diety. Místo FODMAP diety, užívám nakvašenou zeleninu, mléko.. Vylučováním některých potravin se zhorší vztřebatelnost dalších potravin. Doporučuji léčit imunitu, alergie a intolerance.
The same inflammatory molecules that affect your joints also frequently affect your skin and gut. Aside from medications, it's worth considering diet when the gut issues get unbearable. However, the key to a healthy gut is to avoid the inflammatory foods for good. Even during the holidays. 😩 Many inflammation plagued patients get 100% relief by following the FODMAP diet. It's a tough one, believe me I know, ive been on it over 10 years. If you're miserable enough you'll stick to it. People who don't stick with it are the lucky ones who simply dont suffer badly enough. Lucky them. 😌🙏
I do at times. I can recognize some certain foods that do that to me but other times I don't know why it happens. I do have gastroparesis though and that was discovered before I even had diabetes. I take a daily med by my doctor to help with it.
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