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Who Has Temporal Arteritis Along With Spondylitis?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Fort Walton Beach, FL

As if Spondylitis isnt frustrating or painful enough. 😑 I went to my Opthalmologist today for eye pain that causes piercing headache with shooting nerve like sensation thinking it's just a bad uveitis flare from my recent trip and quitting all anti inflammatory meds in preparation for this week's stem cell transplant. He thinks i have temporal arteritis and wants me tested tomorrow by temporal vein biopsy. Im thinking I'll wait til next week sometime after my Monday Nephrology follow-up from… read more

October 22, 2024
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Kegels girl, kegels. Keep your pants dry and squeeze your husband into appreciative submission and proper respect.😆🤣

October 24, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. And we all love you back Deb! You keep us laughing despite it all. At least I'm laughing. But then i laugh at the guys in movies when they get hurt, even the non comedy movies. My husband and kids just look at me and say i only laugh at others' pain. It's MOVIE pain okay?! It's not real! I dont laugh at anyone's pain on here. Im not a heartless monster. Not that youre aware of anyway. 😏 Just kidding! Im not a Sadist. Not much anyway🤪jk.
Good to have you back my friend i feel better already. Yeah, i think I'll move to Idaho where no one wants me to have more tests. Jeez louise. Hey, is that where the expression "BumF Idaho" comes from? F does not stand for friend in that expression either. 😁

October 23, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member 4. I was reading about that one earlier today after Mary mentioning that she has that. That is not what has been suggested to me. What i experience is in reverse.It begins with double vision and burning/stinging eye pain that becomes sharp and piercing spreading through to back of socket to eyebrow, then back behind ear, down to jaw, over to cheekbone, down to neck. But begins in the eye. It feels like something heavy is pushing on the right side of my head, almost impossible at times to open my eye and has caused inner earache and extreme TMJ in the past. The whole side of my face is noticeably swollen compared to the other side. Crazy thing is, I've had this for years and not one of my 12 other specialists these past 10 has put it all together, the double vision, light sensitivity, balance and gait, fatigue etc, all of which can also be caused by cervical stenosis too, which I also have.🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️I'm not mad at any of my drs though. They all focus on their specialty that they learned about at school even though the whole body is connected. And I might not have that anyway. But if I do, it makes a heck of a lot of sense why i do so much better on a low dose of prednisone. I'm almost back to me on that stuff. It's the treatment for Giant Cell Arteritis which is what Temporal Arteritis long term. That and one biologic. We'll see. One thing at a time.
My good new today is that I get to sleep til a more humane hour in the morning. I got a call that I don't need to be at the surgery center til 10:30 for my stem cell hip treatment. That's a 9am go time for me. Way better than 5.🙌😴

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. That sounds positively beautiful Beth, wish I were there. I recall the two Falls when I lived in Southern IL. Apple picking, hay rides and all that. Fall here is less humidity and daytime highs in mid 80s, occasionally 70s. Still hot but cool enough for the porch at night. You enjoy romping in leaves with your babies, just be careful. 🍂😉

October 23, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I have occipital neuropathy and have migraines from back of neck to front of eye. Eye pain was horrible. One sided all the time. I had occipital blocks and it seems to work for me.

October 23, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Thank you, my girlfriend, for being my support. There are few people who can try every opportunity! I had a highly intelligent female doctor. We understood each other very well. Her medical overview in the field of alternative is vast. However, the administrators do not like her views. She was often blocked. Then I lost her completely. I'm trying to educate. I found a fb group where we can talk about healing. There are many healed. There are also deceivers and false prophets. Pharmaceutical trolls keep bothering us. Pitac, I am praying for the election of Donald Trump. For his purpose, to end wars. I would like to live the end of my life in peace.--------------------------Děkuji ti, má přítelkyně, že jsi mi oporou. Je málo lidí, co každou příležitost dovedou vyzkoušet! Měl jsem tu jednu vysoce inteligentní lékařku. Moc jsme si rozuměli. Její lékařský přehled v oblasti alternativy je obrovský. Její názory ovšem nemají rádi správci. Často ji blokovali. Pak jsem ji úplně ztratil. Snažím se dělat osvětu. Našel jsem fb skupinu, kde se můžeme bavit o uzdravení. Je tam spoustu uzdravených. Jsou tam i podvodníci a falešní proroci. Pořád nás ruší farmaceutičtí trolové. Pitac, modlím se za zvolení Donalda Trampa. Za jeho záměr, ukončit války. Chtěl bych prožít konec života v míru.

October 28, 2024

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