Has Anyone Getting Recurring Headaches I've Had One For Nearly 2 Weeks I've Took Paracetamol And Now I'm Trying Nuromol Any Suggestions? 🙏
I get horrible migraines.
Though I think I get them from caffeine overdoses.
Too much caffeine can alter the neuron paths and make a person unintentionally dependent on it.
Caffeine withdrawal makes the blood vessel thinner while your body is temporarily programmed to pump blood harder from the caffeine overdose.
Blood pumping harder with thin blood vessel walls.
Feels like my head is gonna explode with every heartbeat and gets progressively worse.
The only thing that works for me is excedrin.
I've tried a prescribed med that's was supposed to affect the blood vessel in my brain, but the med never worked.
This most likely may not be the case for you, but another thing to look out for I suppose.
I went to my GP yesterday she has prescribed migralieve and a nasal spray she thinks it's my sinuses from a recent respiratory infection I also have booked an eye test for Friday can't seem to function at all 😡 thanks everyone I'm also waiting on a neurologist appointment
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. It could be due to a pinched nerve in your neck. Where's it located? I've had a bad one for a couple weeks now on the back of my head on one side behind my ear, extends with pressure like someone pushing against my face to my cheek/jaw, and feels like an intense crushing ache in my upper neck. I know that it's due to stenosis of my right foraminal nerve at C3. Barely relieved with prednisone, Tylenol 8hr (paracetamol equivalent), muscle relaxer (methocarbamol) and low dose hydrocodone (3.75mg codeine), heat, topical voltaren gel. Man! Really messing with my days that i need to be spending packing for an upcoming trip already paid for. 😖 Have you had an MRI of your cervical spine yet? What's Nuromol? I know mine wont be relieved completely until i do something more about my really wrecked up neck. I have every disc and joint in there all jumbled up and miraculously still functioning. I had a stem cell transplant for the worst bit in April that i think has helped. This part is above that area where I didn't have enough stem cells to treat. Im planning to get it treated in the coming months. Until then though... Ugh.
If you're experiencing recurring headaches, especially for nearly two weeks, it's important to consult your doctor. Here are some suggestions from others with similar experiences:
- Stretching and Hot Showers: Some find relief by stretching and taking hot showers, especially focusing on the neck area
- Firm Pillow: Using Show Full Answer
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