Had L2 L5 Fusion Last Year And Then A Left SI Fusion, Why Am II Still Having Pain Above Waste And Muscle Tightening
You still have pain because fusions redistribute movement load to above and below the fusion. That's how it was explained to me. It is, therefore, essential to go through a thorough syretching routine twice a day for the first 6 months then once a day for the rest of your life thereafter to reduce pain. I have yet to encounter anyone who is completely painfree after any kind of spine surgery. It's unfortunate that drs dont inform their patients of this when they recommend surgery. Kindest regards 😌🙏
Persistent pain and muscle tightening after spinal surgeries like L2-L5 fusion and SI fusion can occur for several reasons:
1. Post-Surgical Healing: Healing from spinal surgery can take time, and some discomfort is normal as your body adjusts
2. Adjacent Segment Disease: The segments of the spine adjacent to the fused Show Full Answer
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