At Wits End With Different Remedies For Lower Back Pain And Leg Claudication. Considering RFA As Rec By Pain Doc. Anyone Out There Try This?
Radiofrequency nerve ablation (RFA) is a technique used to provide long-term relief for some types of chronic pain, including back pain and pain in the lumbar, cervical, and sacroiliac areas. Here are some key points about RFA:
- Procedure: Involves small needles with electrodes placed in the pain area. A high-frequency Show Full Answer
I'm getting spinal ablation on the 4th next month.
Burning total of 6 rear spin nerves. 2 on each 3 sections of thr spin.
Let me know if you want an update after.
I hear that. Even 2 months would be worth it
I had a RFA procedure almost a year ago. It only lasted about 2 months, but I’ve heard it can work anywhere from 6 months to a year. I had met my deductible so I went for it. Plus, I was SO TIRED OF BEING IN PAIN!!!
Does Anyone Else Have Spinal Stenosis And Resulting Leg Numbness/pain/weakness When Walking?
Advice On What To Do Now. I'm In Pain 24-7. After I Had The Last Procedure Of Burning The Nerves On Left Side I Can't Do Anything.
Enbrel And Medicare