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Adult Acne And Sebaceous Cysts Ever Been Linked To Disease Like Psychosis?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question πŸ’­
posted July 13
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Bad diet causes these things and bad diet causes mental health issues. Deficiencies, Animal fat, over consuming calories, excess and processed carbs cause all such things.

posted July 15
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Me either. However, having psoriasis, major depression disorder and generalized anxiety diagnoses i do know that psych issues tend to exacerbate skin issues for a wide variety of reasons from cytokine production to self care motivations.

posted July 14 (edited)
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Keep in mind, water actually dries skin out.

My official diagnosis is Psoriatic Spondylitis axial peripheral bilateral.

That all began with a strep infection 20 years ago that led to psoriasis. I'm the only one in the family with any skin condition, goes to show its not necessarily genetic.

Anyway, I've learned a great deal about skin inflammation and how to control it. I had the original full body coverage of guttate psoriasis in complete remission from 2004-2017/18+/-.

Then the palmar/plantar hit my right hand and foot. I got that under control through a year of experiments and how I mentioned previously is what worked, no prescriptions or medications of any kind.

Then 4 years ago the guttate and more came back, biologic experiments 5 times made my overall health nearly put me on a kidney transplant list earlier this year, and I quit all meds including supplements to sort that mess out.

Now my skin is 100% clear all natural. No meds.

Don't let it dry out with water. Excessive washing is only good for keeping out bacteria, but could exacerbate PPP. Always moisturize after washing and if it can't stay moist, put the gloves I mentioned on. They are thin, like a second skin, have grippers, and will keep your treatments off your gorgeous woodwork. $20 at any drug store with or without fingertips. πŸ˜ŒπŸ™Just keep it in the back of your mind to try if it gets bad.πŸ˜‰

posted July 15
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I absolutely hate anything that drys my hands out. Dirt/mud, concrete, drywall, tile, sawdust. Etc... I keep a clean bucket of water to wash my hands trips to sink/hose. I never let stuff like that sit on my hands. I end up with a cleaner install of tile for sure dirty water = grout staining/haze.

posted July 14
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I do use lotions Shea butter or aloe verea if my hands ever feel dry. I should probably use disposable gloves when I'm doing stuff like that but I'm to cheap/ poor lol. Sometimes I think about buying another sawmill. It is fun to uncover the beauty of nature. Sometimes I think about buying a bit of forest and just building another log cabin from the trees. Maybe disability will come in and having a base income to pay the utilities will free me up from my current fears of spending money. I do read all your posts to me and try to file away the information. I am worried about my liver and kidneys. Some of my medications cause them to work harder, and non alcohol fatty live. my dad and his dad both passed with liver cancer. So with my genetic mutation (li-frommeni) that they didn't carry I'm at a huge risk. I actually just had a head scan and going to Portland for a full body pet mri scan. I'm supposed to have them yearly. Hope you have as many good days as possible.

posted July 15

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