Challenge Getting Nrx-AS Diagnosis???
Hi - I finally saw a rheumatologist after my eye doc suspected Sjogrens, but after learning I had back and hip problems since I was a teen, and being HLA-B27 positive I was assesses for AS. I don't have significant SI joint changes on MRI or xray, but do have arthritis in back and all the other diagnostic criteria for AS. My eye condition does not result in uveitis because I am treated with steriods on and off. My question is, I still do not have a diagnosis of either AS, or nrx-as, due to the… read more
I am not concerned about the insurance at the moment. More concerned about access to correct therapies (PT and pharmacologic). My PT is not covered and is very specific to my type of back pain. I would also eventually qualify for work accommodations if needed.
Your insurance premiums might go up with an official diagnosis. What types of therapies are you using that would be covered if you had an official diagnosis? Have you positively confirmed with your insurer that the coverage does exist and did you ask them if your premiums would go up? Is the cost difference worth the diagnosis? If its physical therapy, you can do most of that on your own at home.
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