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Does Anyone Have Dry Eye With Spondylitis ?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Hertfordshire uk

I have been diagnosed by optician with dry eye and given drops to use daily but told I need to speak to rheumatologist as this may not be enough to stop damage to the eye. Has anyone got this with spondylitis or am I looking at possibly another auto immune disease in combination ? Many thanks

May 25, 2024
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Yes, yes and yes. My mom and I both ha e AS and both have dry eyes. My mom's has been really bad lately and causing damage. The doctor said that it is Inflammatory in nature and that she needs a 3 pronged approach... 1) eye drops with biosimilar oils to replace the oils missing in her eyes. Her ducts are not producing enough oils. Without the oils the liquid on our eyes evaporate too quickly. This cause agitation and our eyes tear but not the right kind of tears as it's from agitation. And we start to get damage to the cornea which causes redness and blurriness. So the eye drops start the healing. Then she recommended an ointment to put on at night to keep the moisture and oils on. Then an eye pad that is heated and has moisture to help the natural oils flow from her lower eye lid. The doctor explained all this thoroughly to us and I was so grateful as other eye doctors have just stated matter of factly that we have dry eyes without offering real solutions. I wear trifocals and still can't see most days, and I believe it's this. I also have gum issues and my mom has few teeth left and gets mouth sores. I am sorry you are suffering with all this. Let me know if you need the name of any of the over the counter treatments the eye doctor suggested.

May 25, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I also have dry eye in one eye and find Optase drops help. They work better for me than drops such as Systane or Soothe. I also tried Xiidra for a year but that did not seem to help.

June 1, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

My moms.optamologits mentioned sjogrens syndrome. It seems to fit. Although I am not sure it's an official diagnosis yet. She has lost most of her teeth, but she is 80. I am so sorry for your struggles.

June 2, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Has anyone else with this had a sjogrens diagnosis as my mouth is equally dry and mouth full of ulcers and dental problems

June 1, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Thank you, that's the condition the optician is suggesting I may have. I'm on biologics already, is there separate treatment for sjogrens do you know other than eye drops ? My teeth and gums are in a terrible state and I'm getting food stuck sometimes swallowing

May 25, 2024

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