Has Anyone Had Relief From Massage? What Should One Know?
I have ankylysing Spondilitis and even an epidural with corticostroids did not help.
Massage is very helpful. Better yet, full-body massage improves circulation and lymphatic flow which assists healing. Several years ago when I realized how important and helpful it is and that to be truly effective it needs to be done 3 times per week, I calculated how much my chosen massage therapist charges for a 30 minute to one hour session. Then i determined the cost for a medical grade massage chair and saw that going to my local masseuse would pay for the chair in just under 3 months. I highly recommend having a look at massagechairdeals.com. They are wholesale prices, free delivery, 0%interest payment plans and offer extended warranties longer than the manufacturer. 💆♀️
Love deep tissue massages. Helped m alot.
I can not handle any kind of massage because I have pressure points and they are extremely painful. I wish I could get relief from something like that.
Has Anyone Developed Uveitic Macular Edema And Synechai From HLAB27 Ankylosing Spondilitis?
Scared Of Biologics But May Be Time
Does Anyone Else Have Spinal Stenosis And Resulting Leg Numbness/pain/weakness When Walking?