Is Anyone Besides Me Dealing With Skin Issues? Tearing, Itching Also Blood Pressure Going Up For No Reason?
I do have the itching but that's from psoriasis and some time that can be Maddening. Moisturizer is the answer to that problem. I wash the area and add Lubriderm Cream, everyday.
Tearing? I had that in one extremely tender thin skin area that developed inverse psoriasis from a side affect to a biologic i tried. Once I quit that bio and it left my body the problem disappeared.
Hey Linda how was your day?
It could be a Variety of things, so check with your MD.
For one it could be Eczema, psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis.
I have them both and had them for years before being diagnosed. So get a head start, find out now.
Be blessed and enjoy the rest of the week.
It could be blood sugar or dry skin I use vit e gels that moisturize from the inside out
I Am So Itchy Lately, I Don’t Have A Rash Anywhere But I Feel Itchy Everywhere. & When I Itch It Won’t Even Be 5 Minutes Later I Get Bruises
Name This Condition Please
Does Anyone Else Have Trouble Controlling Your Body Temperature? Sometimes I Am Freezing, Other Times Burning Up.