Does Anyone Else Have Iga Deficiency And Igm Elevation? Anyone Who Can Help?
I have been on Gabepentin since 2016 ; it has been increased , now it is 900 mg three times a day plus Tylenol 1350 mg three times a day .; I am awake all night because of pain in my lower back , burning across both buttocks and down back of my legs to my knees. I have been doing the exercises my PT helped me with earlier this year . Still happens every night ; I hate even going to bed . I sleep a lot in my recliner but it is not a good sleep . Hot showers do help but i live on 2 nd floor of an apartment building so I do not take them at night because it may bother people down stairs . Any ideas ? I am so tired of this EVERY night ; doesn't happen in the day time .
Thank makes me extremely sensitive to alot of things including medication..I am currently only on pain med,gabepentin..progressing
Sorry, I don't have either. I'm sure someone will help you.
@A MySpondylitisTeam Member have you ever tried pressure point injections around your spine? I used to get terrible pain as well in my back and legs that made it hard to sleep until I did. It relieved the pain, I was also diagnosed with osteoarthritis and fibromialgia.
Is Anyone Else Terrified Of Trying Biological Medicine? TB,Cancer,side Effects. Thanks
Does Anyone Else Suffer From IgA Deficiency?
Special Diet