I Was Diagnosed With AS Years Ago Because Of Back And Hip Pain Changed Dr's Love My Doctor But I Want My Dr To Refer Me To A Dr For Arthriti
I fell in store Recently nothing is broke on xrays. Dr said it shows arthritis in every area where I fell which is where the pain is . Prior to the fall these area did not hurt. It's been a month no relief
I haved asked about seeing a doctor for the arthritis because its become worse and want to understand better. I have arthritis in places I didn't know about. The prior doctor prescribed stronger pain meds. Now I have to go to urgent care to get a pain shot to tolerate pain for a hour. I get… read more
Ask your dr for a rheumatology referral from your dr. You might be able to get an appt with one without the referral. Call ones in your area and ask if they require a referral. If your dr won't give you a referral, contact your insurer, they may be able to get you one. Or get a new dr. But for whatever it's worth, Rheumis don't have time to guide you through living with arthritis and educating you about it. I get most of my education in it by reading articles on sites like this one, other patients, National Library of Medicine, research. All the Rheumis want to do is experiment with biologics on you. Get a cytokine panel on your blood before you take biologics so you can know which ones are appropriate for you. It's entirely possible that you don't have an autoimmune form of arthritis, in which case biologics would be not only a waste of money, but could hurt you significantly. Physical therapy and lots of stretching are your best defense for pain. There are some strong antioxidants that might help, but, again, if its all Osteoarthritis pain, not much will help that except PT, stretching, heat and cold. 😌🙏
Thank you
I Have Spondylosis Not Spondylitis Any One Else Have This As They Are Different
I Was Just Told I Do Not Have Spondylitis But Spondylosis. Does Anyone Have Any Information On This?
Muscle Relaxers? Names Of Please?