Anyone Have Cervical Stenosis? How Do You Feel About Surgery?
I have Cervical Stenosis. I have had a total of 3 Cervical Fusions and then I had a Cervical Pain Stimulator implanted. I would put off surgery as absolutely long as possible. In my case, my first surgery led to additional surgeries and increased cervical instability/pain.
Always get 3 opinions from non affiliated with each other drs before any surgery unless the surgery is to save your life. Dont let the "might happen" speech scare you. An asteroid might fall on your house, but does that prompt you to move?
I would hold off on surgery as long as possible, I was told I needed ACFD 2-4,if left untreated I could be paralyzed, loose bowel control,leak spinal fluid,all kinds of things, so had the surgery and have regretted it every since. I'm in twice the amount of pain,limited movement,weakness in arms and hands, and so on. If there are other options for you do that 1st.
I have rode in my neck from cerval stenosis and it was hard but this last surgery on my back from L5 to S1 was rough my neck is fine now
Thank you for your sorry your outcome was not better..ìts such a crap shoot..I have an appointment to see my pc to get a referral for pt..
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