Anyone With Sciatica + AS Had Surgery To Fuse The SI Joints? I Have More Intense Pain Now. Especially When Getting Up In Middle Of Night.
That’s awful being limited on what you can take for pain. I wish I could back up time and say no to the fusion. But at that time, I didn’t have an AS diagnosis. I thought ok I’ll do the fusion, recover from the surgeries, feel better, and go back to work. Well, talk about things not going according to plans lol
I was diagnosed 20 years ago but after the fusion pain got much worse. And I'm allergic to opiates and Narcotics and pain Dr. Doesn't want to give me Toredol which works. You can't take Toredol long term due to kidney problems. And I have heart issues too. So that's a double No.
Yes. I had both si joints fused. It did not help me at all. That is actually what led to my AS diagnosis a few months after my surgeries with the constant increased pain. It’s been well over a year now since the surgeries and My MRI and X-rays show the surgery sites have successfully fused. But my pain has not relented. My si joint pain is worse than it was prior to surgeries and at that time, I wouldn’t have imagined that was possible.
Me too
I've considered fusion too lately I'm interested in any one who has done this and has it helped?
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