Anyone Have Experience With Foot And Ankle Numbness And Weakness?
I had surgery for damaged nerves and it did relieve the numbness and tingling but still am having pain issues with that foot.
Hi myself have suffered from foot ankle and knee pain quite often. Sometimes I get deckle -itis where one of the toes or fingers swells to a huge sausage like size for no apparent reason. My son also suffers from tendinitis and -itis quite often along with ulcerated colitis he was diagnosed with inflammatory arthritis, many of his symptoms are the same as mine. I have tried soaking my feet and Epson salts, hot bathtub, and putting heat on them that helps sometimes.
I have Numbness in my hands and feet. My neurologist was thinking it was because of the issue with my neck, and mid back. I had surgery on my neck and back, but I still have numbness in my hands and feet. My hunt for answers continues.
I too have numbness in hands and feet. More pain in feet went to foot Dr said they believe it is Marie Charcot as this runs in my family. I take lyrica for the nerve pain.
Yes, I have foot and ankle numbness and tingling. I also have sporadic numbness in my hands and arms. Oddly I also lost my sense of taste about six months ago (not COVID related). My rheumatologist said none of this was AS related so I visited a neurologist who told me there is a strong correlation to my numbness and AS. The neurologist however did not offer any solutions to my numbness.
Does Anyone Else Have Spinal Stenosis And Resulting Leg Numbness/pain/weakness When Walking?
Do Any Of You Get Foot And Heal Pain? I Mean So Bad That It Feels Like You’re Being Stabbed In The Foot And Can’t Weight Bear.
Hello! Does Anyone Have Issues With Numbness/weakness In Their Feet And Know How To Relieve This? Thank You, Janet, 43.