Have Any Of You Come To Realize Any Mitigation Of Active Symptoms When Staying As A Traveler At A Lower Altitudes Or Lower Latitudes?
I, having been an anesthesia & part-time pain provider before afflicted and had left the region; that, when I visit my adult children who purchased two ranches in Silver City; that, upon visits, I get better or at least realize mitigating impact on my flare ups. I honestly think that Colorado is not an oprtimal region to live, save for the Western Slope. Funny, you like living somewhere with "dynamic feature of plains and mountains... but, it doesn't partiucularly "like you" with a given condition. Thx H
Good question I feel better in Arizona rather than Florida or Indiana. I’m 65 and have traveled to different areas during painful flare ups. Find I get more relief in Arizona. Now whether it’s due to a dryer environment and or various elevations in mountains. Could be ?
I Have Spondylitis Could My Elbow Pain And Hand Pain Be Caused By My Spondylitis
Can Anyone Suggest What Type Of Pillow I Should Use Please For Spondylitis