Where In Chicago Can I Find A Doctor For My AS?
I was diagnosed in 2012 w/ AS. I was put on Humira. My pain I have now is debilitating on days. Now that I am learning more on my own about A.S I feel I should be seeing a specialist. It has gotten so bad
https://spondylitis.org/resources-support/educa.... I hope this helps. B
I have one but since I have been reading more about AS and not being told all I am learning, well🤨😠. Now I am having pain in my foot. All I keep hearing is it is coming from the A.S
You may want to see a Rhumotologist.
Is Anyone Living With Advanced Liver Scarring?
Can Someone Go Into A Coma Due To Pain ? I Even Heard Of Suicide Due To Pain. Doctors Don't Give A Damn They Will Let You Suffer And Die.
How Can A Doctor Say That You Are In Remission For AS And When You Still Have Pain?