As With Changes In Your Nails Are There Also Changes In Your Hair, And Your Skin? I Have Very Dry Skin Along With Many Small Moles, Tags,
Also areas of discolored, very dry discolored slightly raised skin, and small look like blood blister all over my body that just appear and disappear. My hair is also very dry, and I lose hair daily in my hair brush. Also I have had ridged, peeling nails for years. I have asked about that for years, and it has never been addressed. I am so glad I found your site,as I am learning a lot about the questions I have asked about this disease, and never got the answers for.Thank you JoAnn Lance… read more
What Biologic Medicine Is Prescribed For The Splitting, Pitting, Thickening And Lifting Nails?
What Were Your First Symptoms?
Anyone Had Experience With Cosyntex....???