When You Wake In The Mornings. Do You Have A Hard Time Waking Up? I Can't Speak And Make Sense.
It takes me 1.5 or 2 hours before I can think of or talk sensibly. Does anyone else do this
This has been everyday for me this week. It’s been a tough one
Many people with spondylitis experience significant fatigue, making it hard to wake up in the mornings. One member shared that even after nine hours of sleep, they often need to go back to bed for another three or four hours. This fatigue can make it difficult to perform daily tasks and can lead to feelings of being like a Show Full Answer
Do Any Of You Experience Burning In Your Feet And Legs When You Wake Up In The Morning? If So, How Do You Deal With It?
I’m Simply Unable To Keep My House As Clean As When I Was Not So Disabled. I Let It Bother Me To No Ends.
I Have As And My Symptoms Seem To Be Getting Worse My Question Is Does Anyone Else Experience Worsening Memory As Time Goes On?