I Had 2 Ablations, Dr Said Would Help Back Pain. It Hasn't. What To Do Next?
My head is leaning forward and I can not help it. I feel like I'm leaning forward. The pain in my lower back and groin is just getting worse. i don't know what to do next.
My spinal stimulator made by Abbot has worked fantastic! The implant is the generator. About the size of an oriel cookie. It’s placed on the left side of my lower back. It comes with a terminal which is a phone which is charged & you carry it just like you do a phone. You keep it on your body or near it when you’re resting. Make sure it’s always charged. It cuts off the pain waves that goes from my back to my brain. I’ve had it for two years now & it’s made a big difference!!
Thank you mickcraig for posting how beneficial the stimulator has been for you. I have often wondered lately if it is something that I should consider or not.
Thank you for mentioning your experience with the implanted stimulator. I am about to have one implanted in the next two months. I am a little scared and was worried it might not be effective. My neurosurgeon, whom happens to be the best in our state, was the one who insisted on the implant when he explained he was not going to do surgery on the three bulging disks in my Lumbar region. I am in excruciating pain and hope that this implant will make life bearable.
I don’t have the memory to recall how many & dates of the ablations I have had; but my wife tells me I’ve had several ablations in the past before I started on Remicade infusions 6 yrs ago. Like you, the ablations did not work. They were like putting a bandage over my entire back. Eventually that led to my Remicade infusions & having a spinal stimulator placed in my back. The stimulator cuts off the pain messages that go from my back to my brain. I’ve had this for 2 yrs my wife tells me, & it has helped Big Time.
Has Anyone Had An Ablation Procedure Done Lumbar Spine? If So, Was It Successful?
Epidural Or Ablation?
Radio Frequency Ablation And Nerve Block? Opinions?