Are Balance Issues Part Of Ankylosing Spondylitis?
I have had balance problems since 1989 and walked with a cane. Sometimes now, depending on where I am going, I need a walker My balance is getting worse all the time! Scary! I walk like a duck.
I also always take a close by cart if it is available. 😃
Stretching makes a huge difference for me! Two a day! It’s a must before bed! I have days where I’m very weak, fatigued and off balance! My days are always different! I never now! Trying to to stay strong and stretched is important!
Yes but don't use the cane use the walker for better support and for better safety reasons I have a walker too I feel safer too.
I sure hate being off balance been that way for three years so now I have to use the Walker
I have 20/400 vision in my left eye due to a Epiretinal membrane and Macular Hole. I have no idea if it is related to AS. It surely does make it difficult to read and drive, doesn't it, Nadine2. Keep trying!❤️
Is Spondylitis An Autoimmune Disease Too ?
I Have Spondylosis Not Spondylitis Any One Else Have This As They Are Different
Are Spondylosis And Spondylitis The Same Thing? If Not What Are The Differences?