Hi, Everyone I'm New Here And Diagnosed Last Year With AS. I Also Suffer From Psoriatic Arthritis. Anyone Successful Getting Disability?
AS is on the list of SS disabilities qualifying for SSDI payments. Depending on your work/employer history you can get disability. They require a hearing before a federal judge. You can appeal if denied. If approved your monthly payments are determined by your work history and wages. After 24 months on SSDI you qualify for Medicare.
Hi Bernard, hope you're have a good day 😊 just wanted to say thank you for your advice I really appreciate it. I got a lawyer to start the whole process I don't have to do much. My case is in the reconsideration stage, it was denied at first. So I'm hoping and praying that I get it this time. Because the type of work I do it is very hard for me all I do is hurt every where all the time. Plus I have fibromyalgia and a whole lot more going on. Enjoy your day. And I'm glad you finally got it. Wayyyy to go!!!
Yes, I've been on disability since 2009, because I couldn't work, I can't hardly sit anymore, everything hurts, but I got a good lawyer, and got a doctor to right a report about my condition, it took 4 months, I tried once myself and got denied, do that first, Then get a good lawyer that only takes money if he wins, GOOD LUCK, Bernard Gallert.
Hello Shellee, Welcome. I was denied disability and shortly after I appealed for disability again. I have an attorney who took my case and charge me nothing for their help and will receive a percentage from SSD if I am granted not from my benefits award. He assists nationally just for this reason and main company is in Minneapolis, MN. Due to all of the appointments and paperwork it's been helpful to have help navigating the process required for disability. I was told it's not uncommon to be denied at first. I began the process June 2022 so now appealing will like be more like 2024 to get an examiner assigned, the last step of them making a determination. I've never gotten to the place of seeing the Judge I do wish you the very best. I'm working today and dreading it because it take 2-3 days to recover from one day at work. You are going to be okay, just remember to be really good to yourself and keep going forward until you get what you need to still have a life. Sometimes this condition can become all consuming. When I'm there, it never helps. I have to get outside, watch my dog run like the wind, and wander in a little thrift store to realize there's a wonderful world still out there for me to find joy.
Try cognitive therapy. Sounds silly. But, it really did work for me. I'm into meditation too, just finding my own head space, daydreaming. I also use cannabis. It's been a life saver.
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