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Any Suggestions On Avoiding Flares When Cancer Stares?

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Fort Walton Beach, FL

After battling 4 years I finally made it to PsAS remission for a few glorious days. Now "Cousin C" is breathing fetid in my ear, whispering nasty messages from the past, threatening to keep me from plans already laid for special days this Spring and Summer. Because I have read so many of your struggles, I ask for wisdom this time instead of being the one to give it. Now I am the one who also can use a few new ideas for coping and keeping my body from flaring and making the situation physically… read more

January 5, 2024
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Wow Mick, thats more typing than I'm accustomed to seeing from you.😃 I'm glad you're doing well enough for it. Seems like your memory is better today too, thats a big win for you isn't it?🙏 Please forgive me if I misunderstood your prior posts. I thought you said you had memory trouble from TBI due to accident. If I just had a brain lapse myself and I'm wrong about that I sincerely apologize. My own brain has been through a bit too. MRI proves it. Little spots everywhere.

I was just saying as much to my mom yesterday. My dad's bilirubin is very high. Hes 83. Yet he drinks a glass of wine or beer each night for dinner. He's undergoing evaluation for Parkinson's this month. His drs all say its okay for him to drink every night. I told mom that dad's drs don't give him another thought 5 minutes after they leave the office until the minute they walk back in weeks to months later.

I was only drinking 4-5 oz white wine with dinner, liver enzymes in blood test went red. I quit drinking 100%, liver and all other prior red readings in solid green now. Dont tell me 4 oz wine won't hurt. I have proof now. Drs will tell you anything to get you out the door quicker so they can take in more patients, and also to keep you coming back. They don't want to lose patients by telling them what they need to hear. They keep patients by giving out pills that make them feel better now, but ultimately worse overall. With each new generation of meds, this one being biologics, we're nothing more than a large scale unwitting science experiment. They take advantage of our willingness to try anything for relief.

I'm now in remission from my PsAS pain, fatigue, and fuzzy head. Down from a regular 8 to a 2. No meds, not even topical creams for my psoriasis or Tylenol for pain. Nothing but nutrition and physical therapy for all my bone spurs, herniations, sclerosis and tears. Walked 3.5 miles today. First 2.5 without walking sticks for help.

So there is hope for you my friend, but I suspect you'll need to look somewhere else than the drs. I think of them as tools to get the tests I need so that I can decide for myself how my issues are going to be dealt with. I've given drs enough chances. They have so far just made me worse. I'll keep seeing them to use them for my own monitored decision making. Question everything. Get 3 sets of film and radiology reports from 3 different surgeons not affiliated with the same hospital. I did that, and continue to. Thats just doing your own due diligence. No one else is going to make my important mobility and survival decisions anymore. Compare notes. Do background checks on prior patient outcomes for what they propose.

Wishing you continued recall Mick! I think you're doing better than you think.😊

January 6, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

We unfortunately live in a day & age where we have more than one doctor or specialist looking at our condition & each of them not conferring with one another to decide what course of treatment is the best. Our overall welfare is not there concern. The bottom line it is us who suffers from their decisions. I had a Rhuematologist who I had been with for over ten years. I loved her a lot because she had my best interest in mind. With her I started chemo Remicade infusions one time each month. I would go in at 8 am & after the IV I slept for over 2 hrs & was finished by noon. I had over 60 treatments. But she was from India & returned back with her husband. The health care system referred me to a new provider who I saw once every 6 months. He referred me to a spine specialist where I had two mris completed back to back. I waited over 6 weeks & had not heard from them about the results. So I reached out to my new Doctor about the results & while I was waiting for my next infusion he came in the infusion clinic & told me I didn’t have AS because I did not have the right blood marker. I knew from my first provider that I didn’t have that marker but was told that I didn’t have to posses that marker in order to be treated for AS. At this point I had been treated for AS for ten years. So what’s next? This new provider left me hanging as I had pneumonia & had to miss my infusion. He never did explain to me the results of my MRI. So I had my primary care refer me to a different Rhuematologist. I’ve met her once & liked her. She stopped my Remicade infusions. I’ll meet with her in February to determine what the best treatment is for me now! My spine is fusing itself & developing an increased pain from my hips up my spine to my neck. I’ve had new bone spurs developing in my spine. So I’m more than anxious to see what she has to say in February! I cut myself off from the provider who treated me as another #.
I’m now just recovering from the latest flare up.
So it’s not easy in dealing with multiple providers who seem to not have your best interest in mind for treatment planning. Praise be to God in keeping me close to Him for I know that He has my best interest in mind as He leads me through these difficult times.

January 6, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Thank you so much for your reply Sherry. I sincerely appreciate it. I'm handling it much better today. Like so many others here, I think I just needed to vent to someone other than my husband - who agrees with me but hears it all the time. ☺️ .More than anything it's irritating to me that the radiologist did not show me the films when I told him I don't feel it despite being small breasted and the nodule supposedly 1cm near the top where it's easiest to detect topically. Even the report they sent me says "likely benign", but my GYN and family dr both passing the buck to a surgeon. All I want is an order for a follow-up 3 month scan for changes then move on, a simple click or two in their computers, not this goat rope.

At least today I'm back down to a 2 on my fatigue and pain scale. Yay! I appear to be better off without all the medical interfering and prescriptions that just make me worse so far, by far. I swear the drs will kill us all if we let them!

January 6, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. Thanks for all that input Doll, yes, you are correct regarding your initial queries. I'm waiting on my consult with the surgeon my GYN insists I see. Then I'll request more images. I'm annoyed that my GYN passed the buck just for me to request another mammo from a different dr. The imaging lab won't schedule it even though their radiologist agreed with me and suggested it. My GYN wants me to have OR removal yesterday, no waiting, despite my history of no cancer and too many post-op problems.

I know it's not a good idea to worry, and I'm not worried about the cancer possibility so much as annoyed with the process and the knowledge that when my body is messed with from invasive procedures it flares. I'm irritated that a dr I've had for over 10 years knows my history, my reactive body, yet disregards this in favor of rushing to procedures that might not be necessary and can most likely be addressed more conservatively. Another 4 year flare is not much better than combating cancer, which I don't think I have.

I'm glad you and your husband are in the gradual mend. I hope it continues.

Thanks for the scripture. I'm a multi faceted believer with a nod towards Zen Buddhism and Ancient humans who learned millenia ago how to traverse time and space. My faith is The Golden Rule backed by the 3 Commons - Common sense, Common decency, and Common courtesy. Follow these 4 and all will be well in Spirit. In my humble opinion, Scripture of all human written Faith's is just a lengthy detailed analogy of how and why to live by the Golden Rule and 3 Commons. Many people need detailed instructions.😏🙏

January 6, 2024
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

@A MySpondylitisTeam Member. I understand where my GYN is coming from. She's a breast cancer survivor now thriver. That's why I chose her when I left military drs for private practice 12/13 years ago. My first visit with her she referred me to her breast surgeon to follow me up top. But that lady retired a couple years ago. I kept going to the diagnostic imaging center the retired Dr referred me to and sent my images from her office. They have a new radiologist, with military background 😬Those guys operate on everything they can while in service because they're practising for their eventual private practice. Anyway, it's an abundance of too much caution for reasons that don't involve me, but I understand. They function based on their own historical experiences. It's ok. I have my referral to a new surgeon. Not a bad idea to establish a relationship with one of those anyway just in case I ever really do need surgery. I know how things will go this time, my way, more films, show me in big clear blown up pictures. Then we'll see. I'm over it. That's on the 18th. First though I need to see this new orthopedic spine surgeon I recently picked to follow my spine mess. I'll get with him on the 15th to go over the MRI he just ordered, the most thorough one I've had yet, top to bottom. I like him because he supports my non surgery preferences, was knowingly enthusiastic about my recent antioxidants added to my supplements, and he gave me the neck traction device to wear 30 min a day. So he's on board with trying everything else with me first. I plan to ask him if I'm a good candidate for my own stem cell transplant to fix my disc herniations. Another reason for my super nutrition rich anti inflammatory diet. I have to make my remaining parts as healthy as possible. Thanks for your support BL. How about you? How's your progress coming?

January 7, 2024

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