Anyone Taking Lyrica?.I It A Week Ago And Really Is Helping. I Only Take It At Night.
I’m read about those possible Lyrica side effects
I’m so tired of medications - grateful for some
Take it twice a day...the only thing it really helps me with is my eye pain
I couldn't take the Gabapentin because of the side effects. I take Lyrica at night and it helps with sleeping and the tingle in myfeet and legs.
I take gabapentin the generic for neuropathy in my feet. I take a low dose, 300 mg) probably should raise it as my rheumatologist suggests but it makes me feel loopy. Odd as I have to take pain meds but it affects me differently. Hence I only take mine at night like you. Hard to say if it helps but neuropathy would probably be much worse without it. I’m so glad you found something that helps you!
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