What Is Best Infusion Tx To Start With? Or, Any Tx?
71 yo female.. Just dx due to co of back pain and severe stiffness this past yr. Had issues in the past.....but I could function well. Visible bridging in thoracic spine, not much other areas. Joint pains. Positive for HLA B27 gene. Prednisone really helped. Rheumatologist rec Enbrel. Hoping insurance will cover.
Ask the dr’s office to put in for a copay request with the company that makes Embrel. I have a card for Inflectra and I pay nothing. However I’m getting on Medicare in June per disability, not sure how that works. Good luck. Mine definitely helps with stiffness, not much with pain or fatigue.
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I Am Experiencing All The Above. I Asked My Dr This Week If He Could Give Me A Diagnosis...he Said, 'No , But I Can Give You 13 !!
Covid And AS