Is There Anybody Else In Our Virtual World That Is Dealing With ENTHESIS Pain?
AS affects the ENTHESIS. ENTHESIS is the areas on the body that tendons and ligaments attach to a bone. Achilles Tendon is one example. My Rheumatologist referred to that when I told him my Achilles was hurting. I believe my right arm and left knee are being affected, as well. I know that I need Total Knee Replacement in both knees, as I have RA, but the pain is different besides that , ABOVE my left knee. Any answers?🙃
My knee MRI showed Aseptic necrosis. Which means low or no blood flow to my tibia. My doc says not caused by AS. anyone else???
I've had AS for approximately 20 yrs and I have had tendonitis so many places it's unbelievable. Some work out on their own and just go away after weeks and some I've had injections for. Injections worked for my elbows, shoulders and feet but not my back or neck. I do get Botox in my neck for the chronic stiff muscles, it helps about 40%
Had in last year. Plantar fasciite and this year i got since this summer my achille tendon is affected. I now wear a special boot to walk a bit and i try the cane. Spend days on ice. Try everything. I just start cosentyx so i hope it get better. I think my finger are less swollen but i start having worse back pain. It never stop.
Same, right knee. See doc tomorrow
My right knee is painful all the time, my right arm is some times
Anyone On Here Have Enseopathy Along With Spondylosis, Spondylitis, Stenosis, Etc ? Its In My Thoracic Area. Just Wondering !
Name This Condition Please
Had Anyone Been Told That The Achilles Tendon Is Extremely Tight And That Is What Is Causing Their Foot Pain