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How Do You Cope With The Pain

A MySpondylitisTeam Member asked a question 💭
Carthage, MO

I'm in constant pain but told that I needed to see psychologist

November 18, 2023
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A MySpondylitisTeam Member

I had a dr tell me when I was 25 that there was nothing wrong with me at all, that it was all in my head. Meanwhile I have AS, RA, Bechets Disease, severe double scoliosis, multiple spinal surgeries and I’m now 60!! I did see another Rheumatologist who confirmed that I indeed had reason to feel so horribly.
If any dr tells you that it’s in your head then they just aren’t good enough to admit that they don’t know how to treat something and recommend another dr who is in the field of Rheumatology and/or Pain management.
I’m sorry this happened to you.
See if you can get a couple of recommendations for other drs and one for pain management as that’s helped me immensely

November 29, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member

Happy Thanksgiving and May God bless and keep you. That's exactly what is happening to me or the Dr's just say old age and have chronic kidney disease so can't take anything other than Tylenol. Anyway Thank you and have a blessed day.

November 20, 2023
A MySpondylitisTeam Member do not need a psychologist!!! I had a dr that gas lighted me...Also told me..."I do not believe you can be in such bad pain"...last time i saw him!!

I had been on Humira for 2 years and pain was more tolerable...could do normal day to day chores...then stopped to have knee surgery. I want to resume taking it. I gave myself injections every 2 weeks....but i think weekly may have given me more relief.

I take zanaflex (muscle relaxant) twice a day which helps with my back pain. Just bending slightly tightens my back up.
Three years ago i had a bad fall in bathroom and broke my L1 vertabrea. It healed crooked and the deformity there has added to my misery.

I make myself go to bed earlier than i ever have....8:00 to 9:00 p.m.....but often toss and turn all night trying to get off painful areas.

I use to have an electric mattress cover that i would turn on 1/2 hour before going to bed...makes you relax right away!! Think Santa needs to bring me another one!!

Heat and sometimes ice are great pain releivers without the nsaids!!

Janice, i will keep you in my prayers that you find some relief from your pain
and you will find doctors to help you more!!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving next week...and be easy on yourself!❣️

November 18, 2023

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