The Past Few Weeks, I’ve Had Pain In My Left Hip With No Cause For Explanation. Has Anyone Else Had This Symptom? Did Anything Help? I
Sudden onset of pain in left hip. I have was diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis 17 years ago.
I can not wait to have my left hip totally replaced
I did a few years ago, and after X-rays dr said it was from bone growths (common with AS) that I kept hitting while walking. She eluded to not being able to do anything, so I would love to know if anyone was told differently. I’d like my hips to stop hurting when I walk.
Shannon, There are surgical options: Joint resurfacing, joint replacement, and debridement (removal of spurs impacting your walking). Many doctors prefer not do such surgeries with AS patients because some research shows that it can increase the bone spur activity, making life worse. I knew a doctor who managed 12 more years of surgery work by having a few of these surgeries. I don't know how he is doing now.
Another option is to use a stationary bicycle or swimming to smooth the bone spur in your pelvis joints. This option costs little, in comparison to surgeries. It has far better results for AS people, but, it takes a considerable amount of time. The risk is it might cause tears to cartilage in the joints. Check with your doctor, you will be most likely referred to an orthopedic surgeon for recommended steps to take.
Focus on outcomes that will improve your condition, even if it is simply maintaining or just slowing down the progression of the disease. Doctors will help in ways that they see as doable.
I have had two successful knee surgeries to regrow cartilage on the right patela. And, I've had a successful right hip joint replacement. I've had one successful cervical joint surgery, too. The hip resurfacing surgery only failed because the right hip joint bone tissue was too weak and unable to bear my weight. That would have been preferred. Hip replacement has been very good for me.
There are OTC and alternative medicine choices, too. Check the resources at this website for more information.
AS is painful, as you already know. We live, love, hope, dream and enjoy life through this. It is great to have each other at this website, we all understand the journey. Thank you for sharing your question.
Hip pain is a common symptom for those with spondylitis. Some people with spondylitis choose hip replacement if hip pain and dysfunction cannot be managed with medication. Hip replacement can provide significant improvements in pain, function, and quality of life for those with severe spondylitis. However, any surgery Show Full Answer
My left hip haa flared for years. I go to a stretch/motion pt every week. That, yoga, and, dont laugh, rolling the pain on a tennis ball help. I never travel without one. Good luck
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