Pain Relief From Doctor
Considering I am most days in pain with a chronic condition
Ankylosing spondylitis my Doctor is very reluctant to issue me with pain killers
I have been prescribed codeine tablets but find these make me so badly constipated and don’t always help with the pain.
I find the most effective pain relief to be Tramadol but my Doctor will not issue them.
Am I better off just leaving my practice and going to a different doctor ?
I know people who have chronic conditions and they are issued with… read more
Exactly they think we're all addicted and we're all drug abusers just because we ask but I've never had a problem with that ever even when I was taking like one tramadol a night and I don't take more than I need have you tried CBD I was told that by my doctor that I shouldn't take it because we don't know how it will affect me and if it'll have any effect at all and since it's not FDA approved they don't want me taking it or medical marijuana or no I guess they did something where something was supposed to be taking the THC out of marijuana and it was supposed to work but I can't remember the name of it
Tramadol is now classified as a narcotic that’s why. My rheumatologist that I go to after my first one died told me first visit that I would need a pain specialist for narcotics. I also get lots of injections from them. I could care less about taking pain meds. I’ve been in pain for 30 years and whatever time I have left I’m going to be as comfortable as possible.
My doctors will not give me Tramadol no matter what and I used to take it for a while and I could really use some now but they won't give it to me
My PCP also won’t prescribe narcotics and explained that it isn’t because he doesn’t believe they have a real purpose but the hoops they have to jump through are not worth it to him. He recommended a pain doctor. What we need to do is go after this in a legal way to loosen the government involvement. I blame the publicity seeking entertainers for their relentless blaming of doctors and prescription drugs for their problems. Doctors also fear the liability, again due to the massive press about how addictive they are. Yet here we are with marijuana legal and easy access. Follow the money, someone is making more money from the sale of marijuana than from pain meds. Personally, at 75 I don’t care if I become addicted, I’m already addicted to metformin and ibuprofen.
While looking for a new rheumatologist, mine retired, I called to set up an appointment, first thing they said to me was that they don’t prescribe narcotics. I didn’t ask for narcotics! Not a practice I would go to so still seeking a new doctor.
Enbrel And Medicare
Just Wondering If Anyone Gets Relief From Using A Sauna During The Cold Weather? It Seems My Pain Is Way Less On A Very Dry Day.
This May Be A Daft Question But There Seems To Be Little Mention Of Morphine. Is Any One Prescribed Morphine As An Out And Out Pain Killers